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Articles Posted in toxic chemicals


Toxic Chemical Chlormequat Found in Oat-Based Food and Humans, Threatens Reproductive Harm

For years, the big cereal companies have been telling us that a bowl of whole grain oat cereal for breakfast is a healthy way to start our day. Turns out maybe it isn’t. A recent study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has uncovered a toxic chemical, chlormequat, in popular…


Toxic PCBs in Schools: Why Aren’t States Protecting Children?

PCBs – the common term for polychlorinated biphenyls – are toxic manufacturing compounds that do not occur in nature and have been linked to various health problems with the liver, thyroid, skin, and eyes. Moreover, they have been classified as probable human carcinogens by the EPA and the International Agency…


“You’re On Your Own”, Says Kansas to Residents of a Contaminated, Historically Black Wichita Neighborhood

I’ve been an environmental lawyer for more than 20 years, working for communities whose homes, air, and water have been polluted by industry’s careless disposal of dangerous chemicals.  I’ve seen government respond aggressively to protect its citizens under these circumstances, but more often not so aggressively.  I’ve even seen government…


Is Your Sportswear Toxic? Recent Testing Finds BPA in Athletic Clothing

We’re inching closer to that time of year when everyone starts making New Year’s resolutions to hit the gym more. If you’re one of those people, you should make an additional resolution to only buy sports bras and athletic shirts that don’t contain BPA, a dangerous hormone disruptor.  Recent testing…


Should Perchlorate in Drinking Water Be Regulated? Biden’s EPA Says No; Doctors and Environmentalists Say Yes

As environmental lawyers, one of our passions is fighting for clean drinking water for communities affected by contamination. So, it is disappointing that the EPA, under President Biden, has endorsed a Trump administration decision and decided not to regulate perchlorate in drinking water. What is Perchlorate? Perchlorate is a contaminant that…


Burning Incense Can Release Toxic Chemicals and Harm Your Health

Incense is chic again. You have only to see all the photos of burning incense and crystals on Instagram to know that young people are following this trend. Some companies are even marketing incense as being good for your health. And while it’s true that burning incense can make your…


Do You Know What’s in Your Sparkling Water?

We should be able to expect that products that are widely available for purchase are safe to consume but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. When you reach for a can of fizzy, sparkling water the last thing you want is to unknowingly be ingesting toxic chemicals with each…


It’s Time to Ban Tear Gas in America

The images are everywhere on the news; protesters, exercising their Constitutionally protected right to free speech, fleeing from clouds of tear gas thrown by the police. What we have seen protesters enduring in recent months has been downright inhumane. Setting aside the fact that protesters are being abused by law…


FDA Issues Warning About Toxic Ingredient in Some Hand Sanitizers

As if COVID-19 is not bad enough, now there is news that some hand sanitizers being sold to prevent the virus may be hazardous themselves. The FDA has issued a warning to consumers not to use hand sanitizers made in Mexico by Eskbiochem SA de CV. The hand sanitizers, which…


Breast Cancer Awareness: Know the Risk Factors and Take Action

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual health campaign that raises awareness and support for the 1 in 8 women in the United States that will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Bringing awareness to this disease is important because breast cancer is the most common cancer in women…

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