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Articles Posted in car accident


Multi-Car Accidents: How to Determine Fault and Stay Safe

Many accidents on the road involve more than one car, especially accidents that occur in hazardous winter conditions or on the highway.  These multi-car accidents often result in more serious injuries and greater liability than two car crashes. In addition, once the accident has happened, the danger has not necessarily…


Pedestrian Accidents and Deaths: A Growing Safety Problem in the U.S.

Taking an evening stroll should not cause you to fear for your life, but the sad reality is that this scenario is becoming more common, as pedestrian accidents become a growing safety issue in the U. S. The fact that these accidents tend to result in more serious, life-threatening injuries…


July Car and Motorcycle Accidents in the Chicago Suburbs

July proved to be a dangerous month for car accidents in the Chicago suburbs. Multiple car accidents in Oswego, Naperville, Plainfield, Brookfield, Aurora, Schaumburg, Morton Grove, and Hoffman Estates resulted in serious injuries and fatalities. Pedestrians and motorcyclists were especially impacted by these car crashes. Please keep yourself safe this…


Winter Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Winter is here with a bang and so are its dangers. While snowstorms may bring an abundance of beauty, they also bring an abundance of hazards: iced-over, slippery, or snowy roads, poor visibility, and broken-down vehicles all pose an extra threat during this magical time of year. As a result,…


Rusty Drivers: 5 Safety Tips for Getting Back on the Road

Coronavirus put a halt to the world as we know it, and it also put a stop to driving for many of us. We started working from home, getting groceries and meals delivered, avoiding gatherings, and staying home in the evening. With everything closed, there really was no need to…


Speeding During COVID-19 Causes Fatal Car Crashes to Rise

Illinois is moving to a new phase in an effort to reopen the economy. As shelter-in-place orders are lifted and more cars are on the road, however, we must not forget to do our part to prevent car accidents. Unfortunately, some drivers thought that having fewer cars on the road…


Winter Roads Can Be a Slippery Slope: Read these Tips to Avoid a Winter Car Accident

Winter is a time many people look forward to every year. It can be beautiful outside and cozy inside, with warm nights spent by the fire with good food and better company. However, getting to those warm nights can be a slippery slope. Snow, ice, and sleet can make for…


How to Keep Your Teen Safe from a Car Crash During the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a time for sun, fun, and vacation for many. Summer is here, and while this is a great time for families to take it easy, it is not time for parents to relax when it comes to keeping their kids safe.…

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