Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates

Articles Tagged with ETO

Ethylene OxideFor the last 50 years, EPA has buckled to pressure from the chemical industry, and basically done nothing to protect millions of Americans from breathing a life-threatening, cancer-causing chemical known as “ethylene oxide” (ETO).  Along the way, EPA even repeatedly violated federal law – the “Clean Air Act” – by refusing to periodically make rules necessary to protect Americans against dangerous chemicals like ETO.

Let me say that again: EPA repeatedly violated the law.  And it did so to benefit the corporations that profit from making, selling, using, and polluting with ETO.

Finally, on March 14, 2024, after being pressured by a lawsuit from environmental champion, Earthjustice, to force EPA to simply obey the law and protect us from ETO, EPA announced a rule requiring that US sterilization plants reduce their ETO emissions by 90%.  ETO gas is used in the sterilization process to kill living things like bacteria, for example, found on the medical and other devices being sterilized.

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high-angle-shot-of-suburban-neighborhood-1546168-1024x576Last week, the EPA’s Inspector General issued a report slamming his own agency for failing to alert Americans living near plants using a chemical known as ethylene oxide (EtO) that their health is in danger because EtO is such a potent cancer-causer. The report concludes that:  “The EPA needs to inform residents who live near facilities with significant [EtO] emissions about their elevated estimated cancer risks so they can manage their health risks.”   

A bit of background:  In 2016, the EPA finally joined other health agencies in classifying EtO as “known” to cause cancer in humans–specifically breast cancer, lymphomas, and leukemias.  In fact, the EPA found that EtO is 30 times more dangerous to human health than the agency had previously recognized.  Case in point:  for the community of Willowbrook, IL, a Chicago suburb, EtO concentrations measured in 2018 testing resulted in a cancer risk 6,400 times the 1 in 1 million risk that the EPA considers “acceptable”.  I and other lawyers represent dozens of Willowbrook area residents who have filed lawsuits claiming that exposure to EtO emitted for decades by a local plant known as “Sterigenics” caused their, or a deceased loved one’s, cancer.  

With this 2016 finding, the EPA had committed to warning the residents living near the nation’s 25 plants using ethylene oxide.  These residents are in danger because, after the EtO is used in those plants to kill bacteria during the process of sterilizing medical equipment, the potentially lethal chemical is then released from the plant through vents or stacks (and sometimes doors and windows), where air currents often push it into the nearby homes, school, churches, parks, and businesses of adjacent residential communities. 

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