Meet Robert L. Dawidiuk
Robert Dawidiuk joined the Firm in 2003. Rob focuses his practice in representing financial institutions and national corporations in in a wide variety of litigation and transactional matters. Rob is General Counsel for several national corporations handling all his clients' business contracts, and he regularly represents his clients in litigation matters all across the country.
Recent Successes
- Over the past year, Rob has won three trials for his clients in Will County, Kane County, and Grundy County, including a complete defense verdict on behalf of his bank client on a two million dollar claim in real estate litigation.
- Rob has documented well over $100,000,000 in commercial loans every year for the past twelve years. In addition, Rob has closed more than $100,000,000 each year in mergers, acquisitions, and real estate transactions over that span.
- Over the last year, Rob has had several multi-million dollar defense wins on summary judgement and motions to dismiss. And he has had several seven-figure summary judgement wins.
- He recently secured a multi-million dollar payment for his client in a highly contested partnership dispute.
- Rob won a dismissal with prejudice, on a lawsuit seeking damages in the amount of $3.5 million for breach of fiduciary duty against bank director and officer.
Rob is licensed in:
- Illinois
- New York
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Colorado
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Illinois
- U.S. District Court Southern District of Texas
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Texas
- U.S. District Court Northern District of Indiana
- U.S. District Court Southern District of Iowa
- U.S. District Court Maryland
- U.S. Appeals Federal Court
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Division of Banking, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
- J.D. cum laude, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois
Honors: Law Review Order of John Marshall Extern Clerk to the Honorable John K. Madden in Cook County Chancery Court Council of Higher Education Scholarship Honors: Order of John Marshall Honors: Judicial Extern Clerk to the Honorable John K. Madden in Cook County Chancery Court Honors: Council of Higher Education Scholarship
Professional & Bar Association Memberships
- Illinois Bar
- DuPage County Bar
Honors & Awards