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Articles Posted in Auto Accidents


What Dummies! Car Industry Ignores Women’s Safety by Designing Cars to Protect Men Only

So, you bought a car with a five-star safety rating for your family. But, is the entire family actually safe? A new study has determined that a woman has a 73% higher chance of being seriously injured or killed in a car crash than a man, and crash-test dummies are…


Electric Scooters in Chicago: A Recipe for Disaster

Chicago recently began a pilot program allowing electric scooters on city streets. Within a mere six days, at least ten people were sent to emergency rooms, including one bicyclist who was left unconscious and badly injured after being struck by a scooter. The city’s e-scooter program launched June 15th on…


Naperville’s Five Most Dangerous Intersections for Bicyclists

Throughout Naperville, there are miles and miles of trails and bike paths, perfect for a cruise on a summer day or training for your next triathlon.  While many of Naperville’s bike paths are located within forest preserves or secluded trails, some of them cross over major roadways and through busy…


New Distracted Driving Crackdown in Illinois Starting July 1st

Starting July 1st, Illinois is taking a tougher stance on motorists who use their cell phones while driving. Drivers will no longer get a free pass for their first offense. Unlike the current law, where a first offense is a non-moving violation which does not affect your driving record, under…


How to Keep Your Teen Safe from a Car Crash During the “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a time for sun, fun, and vacation for many. Summer is here, and while this is a great time for families to take it easy, it is not time for parents to relax when it comes to keeping their kids safe.…


Pedestrian Deaths at New High: Who’s to Blame?

Walking your dog or taking a stroll after dinner should not be a death sentence. Yet, more and more frequently, walking is becoming hazardous, and deadly, in America. A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association has revealed that pedestrian deaths last year reached their highest level since 1990.…


Your Smart Watch is Distracting You Behind the Wheel

Over the last 10 years, cell phones have gone from large handheld phones we could use to make calls, to mini computers containing our mobile offices that we run our entire lives and businesses from. They are now essential tools in our everyday lives, but they are also incredibly dangerous…

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