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Articles Tagged with Symphony of Joliet

COVID-19-nurseSymphony of Joliet is one of several nursing homes across Illinois that are facing shocking outbreaks of COVID-19. As of June 5th, 2020, the facility has had 132 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 25 deaths, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. To understand that in context, Symphony of Joliet only has 214 beds and an average occupancy of about 169 residents. Even given that some of the 132 infections are among staff, the sheer number of COVID-19 cases at Symphony of Joliet shows that the virus spread to an alarming number of residents at the nursing home.

Moreover, the size of the COVID-19 outbreak at Symphony of Joliet is outside the norm when compared with other nursing homes in Will County. The statistics below show the number of infections and deaths at several other nursing homes in Joliet that are faring better:

  • Joliet Terrace – Joliet: 120 beds, 3 cases, 0 deaths

Coronavirus-at-nursing-home-300x209Symphony of Joliet is a for-profit nursing home located at 306 N Larkin Ave. in Joliet, Illinois. They participate in both Medicaid and Medicare programs and have 214 beds. After learning the facility was facing one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in Illinois, Joliet Mayor Bob O’Dekirk called for a state investigation into Symphony of Joliet. Since then, officials at the facility have said they believe the virus may have been spread by a maintenance manager who assembled dining tables in as many as 40 patient rooms, unaware that he had already been infected with coronavirus. As of May 12th, 2020, Symphony of Joliet had 127 cases of COVID-19, 24 resident deaths, and 2 staff deaths (including the maintenance manager). gives Symphony of Joliet two out of five stars (below average) based on staffing levels and recent health inspections. Staffing levels are about average at the nursing home: residents receive care from a nursing aide for 1 hour and 56 minutes a day, compared to 2 hours and 18 minutes nationally, and care from a licensed nurse for 1 hour and 22 minutes a day versus a national average of 1 hour and 34 minutes.

Medicare Health Inspections at Symphony of Joliet

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