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Articles Posted in pedestrian accidents


Pedestrian Accidents and Deaths: A Growing Safety Problem in the U.S.

Taking an evening stroll should not cause you to fear for your life, but the sad reality is that this scenario is becoming more common, as pedestrian accidents become a growing safety issue in the U. S. The fact that these accidents tend to result in more serious, life-threatening injuries…


Crashes on the Rise and Traffic Increasing as Illinois Moves into Phase 3 of Reopening.

As Illinois moves into phase 3 of COVID-19 reopening, traffic is making a big comeback. You may have noticed that the roads are more crowded, the parking lots are a bit fuller, and the expressways feel more like they did in January and February. If you’ve noticed an uptick in…


Chicago Records Fewer Crashes, but More Serious Injuries During COVID-19 Pandemic

While there are fewer cars on the road and fewer car crashes, new data shows that the crashes that are happening are causing more severe injuries than before the pandemic. According to WGN News, during the first week of March, there were 2,063 reported crashes in Chicago. That number began…


Naperville / Lisle Child Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

From the time they begin walking, children are in danger of being injured as pedestrians. According to some very sad statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2016, one in five children under the age of 15 killed in traffic accidents was a pedestrian. Children are…


What Insurance Covers Pedestrians Hit by a Car?

Serious pedestrian accidents in Chicago and the suburbs continue to be a problem for a number of reasons: more people walking to work, an increase in traffic on the roads, and drivers failing to look out for pedestrians. Increasing cell phone usage and distracted driving are also putting pedestrians at…


Shocking Report Reveals Suburban Roads are More Deadly than Chicago Streets

A new report by the Active Transportation Alliance, a Chicago based nonprofit dedicated to making streets safer for pedestrians, bikers and motorists, is surprising people in the Chicago suburbs. Why? Because it reveals that traffic fatalities in the suburbs in 2015–the latest year for which statistics are available–outnumbered those in…

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