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Alden Estates Facing Worse COVID-19 Outbreak than Other Naperville Nursing Homes: 94 Infections and 21 deaths

Alden Estates Facing Worse COVID-19 Outbreak than Other Naperville Nursing Homes: 94 Infections and 21 deaths


As coronavirus cases and deaths continue to rise at Illinois nursing homes, Alden Estates has emerged as the nursing home facing the worst COVID-19 outbreak in Naperville. As of June 12, 2020, the facility had reported 94 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among residents and 21 deaths. Considering that the number of residents at Alden Estates of Naperville is usually 131–according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services–these numbers are staggering. Moreover, Alden Estates accounts for 41% of Naperville’s COVID-19 cases and 62% of the city’s coronavirus deaths.

For comparison, here are the statistics on COVID-19 at similar nursing homes in Naperville that are faring much better:

  • Arista Healthcare: 153 beds, 11 cases, 0 deaths
  • Meadowbrook Manor: Naperville: 245 beds, 33 cases, 2 deaths
  • Naperville Manor Health & Rehab Center: 115 beds, 9 cases, 1 death
  • Patrick’s Residence: 198 beds, 5 cases, 0 deaths
  • HarborChase of Naperville: 101 beds, 8 cases, 0 deaths

Other nursing homes in Naperville have not reported any cases of coronavirus to the Illinois Department of Public Health. The extent of the coronavirus outbreak at Alden Estates would almost certainly have been mitigated if the nursing home had heeded the warning signs about COVID-19 from facilities in Washington state and immediately followed the guidance on how to prevent the spread of the virus.

Past health inspections, however, show that Alden Estates already had problems with infection control. The facility’s most recent inspection found that the facility had failed to “provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.” In fact, Alden Estates received 11 health citations in an August 2019 inspection, including one for failure to perform hand hygiene after removing gloves while caring for incontinent residents, another for failure to provide appropriate incontinence care to prevent urinary tract infections, and a third for failure to assist residents with eating, grooming, and hygiene. If an effective infection control program had been in place, it’s almost certain we would not be seeing the current COVID-19 infection and death rates at Alden Estates.

To further compound the problem, Alden Estates was not communicating with families about the danger at the facility, according to an article in the Naperville Sun. Family members, concerned about COVID-19 were calling to check on their loved ones, only to have their fears dismissed by staff telling them there were only a couple of infections at the nursing home when in reality there were dozens. One family claims they did not hear about COVID-19 infections at Alden Estates until their loved one was moved to Edward Hospital and staff at the hospital told them. Worse still, another family was apparently reassured their mother was safe and healthy; then she died of COVID-19 days later. This behavior by nursing home staff during a health crisis is unacceptable. At the very least, facilities owe families transparency so they can make informed choices regarding the health and care of their loved ones.

If your loved one has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has passed away after contracting the virus while a resident at Alden Estates of Naperville, you should contact the Illinois nursing home attorneys at The Collins Law Firm as soon possible. We can help you determine if the nursing home is liable. Fill out our contact form or call us at (630) 527-1595 for a FREE EVALUATION of your case. You and your loved one deserve justice.

For more information on health citations at Alden Estates, click here.

To learn about the signs, prevention, and reporting of nursing home neglect or abuse, click here.

photo credit: wavebreakmedia_micro – www.freepik.com

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