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Articles Posted in Environmental contamination


JUST THE LATEST REASON FOR AMERICANS TO BE ANGRY AT THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT: Members of Congress Immediately Protect Themselves Against Possible Lead Exposure, While “Regular” Americans are Routinely Denied Environmental Protection

Day after day these days, we see expressions of clueless bewilderment from government officials: “Why are the people so mad at us?” “Why do they hate us?” “Why are they so anxious to throw us out of office?”   There are, of course, a thousand reasons, but none more revealing…


Portland Parks Director Needs to ‘Get’ that Lead Contaminated Drinking Water is Dangerous…or Quit His Job

PORTLAND PARKS DIRECTOR NEEDS TO ‘GET’ THAT LEAD-CONTAMINATED DRINKING WATER IS DANGEROUS…..OR QUIT HIS JOB A recent review of the Portland Parks and Recreation’s (PPR) handling of high levels of lead contamination in the drinking fountains at the Multnomah Arts Center concluded that the agency failed for years in its…



Co-Authored by Norman B. Berger If a new environmental regulation requiring power plants to reduce toxic emissions would prevent 11,000 premature deaths every year; prevent many thousands more illnesses every year; and produce benefits that outweigh the costs by as much as $80 billion every year, would you say that’s…


Environmental Justice is a Civil Right

Co-authored by Gregory Zimmer of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. Shouldn’t it be that living in a pollution-free community is a basic right of American citizenship? Shouldn’t it be that having clean air to breathe and safe water to drink does not depend on whether you are wealthy, or well-educated?…


Contamination in America’s Drinking Water, and The Harm It Causes

Co-authored by Gregory Zimmer of The Collins Law Firm, P.C. What are the most common harmful chemicals in the water that many Americans drink every day? What harm can these chemicals cause to people? The EPA regulates the nation’s drinking water supply through National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs or…


NO COUNTRY FOR POOR PEOPLE: Polluter-Friendly Regulations Force Children in Chicago’s Pilsen Community To Breathe Brain-Damaging Lead…For Years

Let me ask you something:  If the air breathed by children attending an American elementary school was contaminated by lead levels so high that it could damage their brains, and cause them life-long learning disabilities, how long would you say their parents should have to wait until that air was…


Polluters Underestimating Their Pollution: Liars… or Just Idiots?

Maddening, but not surprising.  Business as usual, really. Earlier this week, Japan’s nuclear power industry announced that the amount of radioactivity that spewed out of the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor was more than twice the original estimate of just 3 months ago. More than twice. The same report also said…


Five Things to Do if Your Water or Neighborhood Is (or Might Be) Polluted

(1)        Get smart. Find out the names of the polluting chemicals. You will usually learn them, as most of our clients have, from a newspaper article or TV story, or from a letter or knock on the door from a government official.  You need to know the chemicals’ names so…


The Gulf Oil Spill, Fukushima, the Budget Bill: Why The Government Doesn’t Protect Us

We’ve been representing families in lawsuits against polluters for filling their homes with toxic chemicals for the better part of the last decade. We’ve obtained safe water supplies and clean air in homes for thousands of families, and recovered millions of dollars in lost property value for them.  During jury…

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