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Articles Tagged with safety

HalloweenPost_Facebook-1024x538Halloween is a time of year that many people–adults and children alike–look forward to. It’s an exciting time of year with lots of fun things to do, from Halloween parties to haunted houses to trick-or-treating. However, it’s also a dangerous time of year.

What Makes Halloween Dangerous?

 It’s hard to think of one of your favorite holidays as dangerous, but that is the unfortunate reality of Halloween. Hoards of children out walking the streets, typically at dusk or after dark, is a tricky situation. To make matters worse, these children often wear costumes that make them less visible to drivers on the road or poorly fitted masks that impede their vision. As a result, children are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than at other times of the year. Then there is the added danger associated with participating in Halloween activities like costume parties or trick-or-treating during the COVID pandemic. All of this may make some people feel like abandoning Halloween entirely, but that is not necessary. There are many ways that families and neighbors can celebrate Halloween and stay safe this year:

supermarket-949913_1920.jpgSlip and fall accidents in stores or restaurants can be more than just embarrassing, they can lead to very serious injuries. These falls can be caused by uneven surfaces, dangerous flooring materials, or spills on the floor. Stores and restaurants have an obligation to keep you safe from dangerous conditions on their property. Many times, the restaurant or store knew about the dangerous condition that caused your fall but did nothing to keep you safe.

If you slip and fall in a store or restaurant, here is what you should do to make sure that you are protected:

Call an Ambulance or Seek Medical Attention

kids-at-swing-1185902_1920.jpgAs summer approaches and children finish school it’s important to check your yard to make sure that it is free from serious hazards that could injure children. Some of the most common backyard hazards include playsets, zip-lines, trampolines, and fire pits. These quick steps will help you make sure that your backyard is safe and fun for the summer:

1. Survey your yard for safety hazards 2. Check play structures like playsets, treehouses, zip-lines, and trampolines for wear and tear, if they look unsafe, they probably are. 3. Use caution when grilling or having bonfires. Flames can spread quickly and cause serious injuries. 4. Always supervise children playing or hanging out in the backyard to make sure they are safe. 5. Never start a fire without an adult present. 6. Use all play equipment properly – don’t stand on swings, jump off of trampolines, or jump out of trees. 7. Make sure that all play structures have proper safety equipment and instructions on how to properly use the structure.

Safe and fun backyards will make your summer more enjoyable. If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a dangerous condition in a backyard or at someone’s home, the attorneys at The Collins Law Firm have experiencing helping victims just like you. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

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