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Articles Posted in nursing home


Is Your Loved One in a Medicare or Medicaid-Certified Nursing Home? These are His/Her Rights.

Nursing home residents have rights that are protected under federal law, and which must be explained to the resident in understandable language. In summary, these are the rights (See the link below from for a more detailed description): (1) To be treated with respect. (2) To participate in activities.…


Nursing Homes No Longer Allowed To Force Residents Into Arbitration Agreements

A shift in power and control has returned to those who most need it – nursing home residents and their families. In a recent ruling, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) prohibited mandatory pre-dispute arbitration agreements between federally funded nursing homes and their residents. Prior to the new…


Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect: What Can You Do?

Are you concerned that a family member is being abused or neglected at a nursing home? Mistreatment at the hands of a caregiver can happen in long-term care facilities, including nursing homes. The mistreatment may take the form of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or even financial exploitation. Signs of…

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