
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates


Scott Pruitt has no Business Running the Environmental Protection Agency

This week, the U.S. Senate votes on whether to approve President Trump’s choice, Scott Pruitt, to head the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”). Why should every Senator in the building vote “No”?

Let me ask you this:

Would it be OK with you if a lawyer for the world’s largest oil companies-who has spent his career attacking the environmental protections which the EPA is charged with enforcing-was suddenly in charge of whether your family was protected against pollution caused by the world’s largest oil companies?

“No?” Then you shouldn’t want Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA. Because that’s who Scott Pruitt is….a lawyer for the world’s largest oil companies. Sure, he masqueraded as the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. But in that job, he acted just like a lawyer for the big oil companies. Pruitt:

·Sued to block the “Clean Water Rule”.

·Sued to block the “Clean Power Plan”, EPA’s program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired plants.

·Fought against the setting of health-protecting air pollution standards.

·Shut down Oklahoma’s environmental enforcement agency.

·Raked in huge political contributions from big polluters, coincidentally just after he filed lawsuits aimed at eliminating the environmental regulations that those big polluters don’t want to obey.

·Asked an oil company to ghostwrite an important letter for him–which Pruitt wound up signing, and putting on official “Oklahoma Attorney General” stationery–so it would look like it came from him.

·Said that it is “far from settled” whether corporate polluters are causing climate change/global warming.

But no competent scientist believes that. Only kooks and big oil company lackeys believe that.

Oh, I mean kooks and big oil company lackeys….. AND the next head of the EPA.

Please look up your Senators here and tell them to vote “No” on Scott Pruitt.

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