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Medical Bills – What If Your Do Not Have Health Insurance?

Whether it be in a car accident, slip and fall, construction accident, or any other incident where you are injured and it is not your fault, your number one concern should be getting better. Sadly, for many folks, a close second to that concern is, “without health insurance, what do I do about my medical bills?” The purpose of personal injury claims, whether they be injury lawsuits in court or claims settled through insurance companies, is to get full compensation for the victim — including payment of medical bills. What many injured people do not realize is that from the time you are injured until the time your claim is resolved, those medical bills need to be dealt with. A good personal injury attorney can help you with that process. Whether it be getting payment plans set up, getting the bills deferred, managing liens that may be filed, or uncovering medical payment coverage you never knew you had, an attorney is your best resource for getting medical bills not only potentially paid at the close of a matter but also managed throughout the process. Personal injury attorneys are skilled at finding available insurance coverage and resolving medical liens, which can mean not only smaller bills but also fewer headaches in getting those bills resolved. If you are injured and it is not your fault, contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible so you know what your rights are. Trying to navigate things like medpay coverage, medical liens, lien reductions, the common fund doctrine, and other matters related to medical expenses is extremely difficult for someone who is not experienced in these matters. Do not shortchange yourself with something as important as getting better and getting full compensation for your injuries.

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