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Articles Posted in Fukushima


Polluters Underestimating Their Pollution: Liars… or Just Idiots?

Maddening, but not surprising.  Business as usual, really. Earlier this week, Japan’s nuclear power industry announced that the amount of radioactivity that spewed out of the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor was more than twice the original estimate of just 3 months ago. More than twice. The same report also said…


Why We Shouldn’t Trust What Polluters Say

It’s a heartbreaking spectacle.  Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactor spewing radioactive material into the air and ocean. Yet, even though it’s half a world away, this disaster offers a lesson to Americans that is much bigger than simply, “Let’s be careful about nuclear power.”   The message really is: “We cannot afford…


The Gulf Oil Spill, Fukushima, the Budget Bill: Why The Government Doesn’t Protect Us

We’ve been representing families in lawsuits against polluters for filling their homes with toxic chemicals for the better part of the last decade. We’ve obtained safe water supplies and clean air in homes for thousands of families, and recovered millions of dollars in lost property value for them.  During jury…

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