
Ethylene Oxide/Sterigenics Updates


Another School Bus Tragedy

Sadly, earlier this month there was another fatal accident involving a school bus here in Illinois. While the official cause of the incident that left one person dead and dozens injured is still not known, the accident in Lake County highlights the need for better safety and institutional controls when it comes to school buses in Illinois. Our firm has been involved in multiple school bus cases over recent years, handling cases on behalf of victims including a case of assault by a bus driver and a fatal crash where a school bus struck a fire truck on the way to call. School buses need to be as safe as possible, not only to protect the children they transport, but also others on the road, as, let’s face it, school buses are large vehicles that can do a lot of damage, and cause serious personal injuries when they are involved in collisions. Monitoring the safe operating condition of the buses themselves, making sure the bus drivers are properly qualified, and doing whatever can be done to make sure all school bus drivers are safe operators of the buses should be at the top of anyone’s agenda who has a say in school bus safety. Personal injury lawyers will continue to fight for those injured in school bus accidents, but others need to also do their part to prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place. School bus safety benefits everyone.

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