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Articles Posted in toxic cosmetics


It’s Only Natural…or Is It? Taking a Closer Look at “Natural” Cosmetic Products.

Since the ingredients in many traditional cosmetic products pose a health risk, it’s no wonder that consumers are searching for “natural” and “clean” products. In-house research at Sephora shows that 54% of its shoppers are looking for brands that are “free of” certain ingredients. As a result, new brands positioning…


Eau de Toxins – The Hidden Dangers in Your Perfume Bottle

Each morning, before going about your day, do you spritz on your favorite perfume? Next time you do, look at the ingredient list. You’ll probably see the word “Fragrance.” It seems appropriate for a perfume, but what exactly is it? Turns out, a whole bunch of chemicals that could be…


How is the Cosmetics Industry Regulated? (SPOILER ALERT: It Isn’t!)

Since ingredients in cosmetic products present numerous health risks, you have to wonder: how are cosmetic companies regulated? Well, the unfortunate truth is that they really aren’t. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for cosmetics under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), which has not…

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